Payment Methods

On the Belodore webshop, the following payment methods are enabled:

- cash

- payment/electronic banking

- credit or debit card



Payment methods enabled and payment process description


Product payment on our online store can be made in one of the following ways: payment cards - VISA, Maestro, or MasterCard that support payment over the Internet. Card payment was made in cooperation with Novo Payment Kft. and Reiffeisen Bank ad and is done in a safe and certified manner through Novo Payment Payment Gateway, by simply entering data from the payment card. After card data and payment confirmation are entered, the bank authorizes the transaction and thus the order is approved and enters the further process of preparing for delivery. The amount will be reserved on your card (account) and will not be available for any other purpose. The transaction will be completed, and the amount will be removed from your account only after the products are prepared for transport and handed over to the courier service. In case the payment is not completed, or the amount is not removed from the account until the 14-day of your order, that order will be cancelled and deleted. After the 14-day deadline expires, the money reserved in your account is released and will be available again. You can then repeat the same or new order and make a payment related to them. Check with the bank that issued the card whether your card supports payment over the Internet.




Conversion Statement


Conversion Statement - All payments will be made in Hungarian forint (Ft). If paid by payment cards issued by foreign Banks, the amount in Hungarian forints of the transaction will be converted to the settlement currency of the Bank (EUR) according to the exchange rate of the Hungarian National Bank. When you debit your payment card, the already converted amount will be converted to your local currency, according to the exchange rate applied by payment card operators.




Applied standards and processes in data protection when paying by card


When entering payment card data, confidential information is transmitted through a public network in a protected (encrypted) form using the SSL protocol, by applying the latest methods of tokenization of sensitive data, and in accordance with PCI-DSS standards. At no point is payment card data available to the dealer. 3D Secure protection for all retailers and customers – Worldline financial services uses the highest global data protection and privacy standards. All dealers who use Saferpay Gateway are automatically included in 3D-Secure protection, which guarantees customers safe purchases. Customer payment card numbers are not stored on the dealer's system and the entry itself is protected by SSL data encryption. PCI DSS Standards – Saferpay Gateway is compliant with all the requirements of card organizations in order to increase the level of security of traders and customers. From 2005 to today, without a break, the system is certified as PCI-DSS Level 1, which is the highest standard in the industry. PCI Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) is the norm that defines the necessary security measures when processing, preserving, and transferring sensitive card data. PCI Standards protects sensitive card user data throughout the payment process: from the moment of entering data at the retailer's sales point, during communications between dealers and relevant banks and card organizations, and later storage of the data.



Cash Payment Method (CASH ON DELIVERY)


Upon confirmation of the order, the goods will be sent to you by courier service, and you will pay the courier upon delivery. For orders over 25000 Ft, Belodore provides you with free delivery on the territory of Hungary. If the order value is less than or equal to 25000 HU, the delivery price is 2000 Ft, VAT included.



Electronic Payment


Electronic payment means that you can pay for your order via an electronic banking app. Detailed information that needs to be listed on the transfer order is received by e-mail immediately after confirmation of the order by our support service. Upon recording your payment, the goods will be sent to the stated delivery address.



Credit or debit card payment


Payment by credit or debit card means that you can pay for your order using a credit or debit card that supports payment over the Internet. Check with the bank which issued the card to see if your card supports Internet payment. Upon recording your payment, the goods will be sent to the selected delivery address.




In the case of returning ordered products or refunds to a customer who previously paid for the order using a payment card, partially or completely, and regardless of the reason for the return, Belodore is obliged to make a refund exclusively via visa, EC/MC and Maestro payment methods. The selected bank will make a refund at the customer's credit card account upon the seller's request.



Your Belodore